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Our Divorce Law Team

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Choosing a Divorce Lawyer That is Right for YouThere are a multitude of considerations when trying to find a divorce attorney that is right for you including experience, education and costs. However, one of the most important factors is that you simply feel comfortable with your lawyer. The legal process is stressful, but if you have a relationship with your attorney where you trust their advice and can have a frank discussion about any of your legal concerns, much of the stress related to the uncertainty of the process can be relieved. Possessing the knowledge of what to expect in your case allows you to make decisions that are in your best interest and plan ahead.

Meeting With our Divorce TeamWhen you are searching for a divorce lawyer you want to make the most of your initial meeting. As such, we have set forth some tips to make that initial consultation as productive as possible.

  • Write Your Questions Down Beforehand: If you don’t write the questions down before your meeting it can be easy to miss a few. As such, make a list of the questions to which you need answers. These may include questions about the lawyer’s experience, the costs of a divorce and how the case will proceed
  • Bring any Relevant Documents: If a lawsuit for divorce or separation has already been filed, bring a copy. Also, organize and bring any financial records. This could include information about retirement accounts, bank accounts, loans, credit cards and property. If you have documented evidence of your spouse’s inappropriate behavior, bring copies.
  • Make a List of Key Facts: You should write down why you believe you would be entitled to a divorce, allegations that you believe may be made against you and any potential witnesses in a case. This will help you and your lawyer create an initial legal plan as to how the case should proceed.
  • Be Honest: Remember that anything you tell your lawyer is strictly confidential. That rule exists so you will be free to be completely honest with your attorney. Tell them both the good and bad. If you leave any important information out then your lawyer can not adequately represent you. There is nothing more damaging than your attorney being blindsided by damaging information for which they could have otherwise prepared a proper defense

Contact Us TodayIf you would like to discuss your legal options please feel free to contact our domestic law team today. We have the experience, recourses and knowledge to help you through this trying time in your life. You may call us toll free at (800)7152121 or email us today.

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