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What You Should Know about Metoclopramie and Tardive Dyskinesia

Metoclopramide also known as Reglan is a medication prescribed for the treatment of gastric and abdominal conditions such as diabetic gastroparesis. Metoclopramide is a “prokinetic” medication that stimulates the abdominal and gastric muscles helping to decrease how long the stomach can take to move its contents into the intestinal tract.

Some of the more typical reactions to Metoclopramide are sleepiness, feeling restless, tiredness, being unable to sleep or having problems sleeping, and feeling depressed. One serious reaction is if a person develops intense conditions in the way they move their bodies. This can be called extra-pyramidal conditions such as Tardive Dyskinesia.

This medication is only advised to be taken for less than ninety days, however, over two million people in the United States take Reglan or similar medication. The Food and Drug Administration’s research reveals that almost twenty percent of people have used Reglan medication for over the ninety-day recommendation. If you or someone you care about has experienced adverse reactions that last a long time or have been severe, then you should speak to one of our dangerous drug attorneys with the Higgins Firm.

What is Tardive Dyskinesia?

Tardive dyskinesia is the name used to describe movement that is not controlled and can be constant or repeated and can be triggered by and continue for a long while following the use of a medication or tardive. This condition has effects that are similar to Parkinson’s which include things like having spasms, having strange posture, experiencing facial expressions such as a grimace, as well as additional uncontrollable movement.

A frequent adverse reaction to tardive dyskinesia triggered by Reglan medication is the uncontrollable movement of the mouth including when someone with the condition puckers or purses their lip or sticks out their tongue.

Tardive Dyskinesia is common in people with schizophrenia or bipolar conditions who are prescribed certain medications for large amounts of time, but the Food and Drug Administration’s employees not long ago were able to identify metoclopramide or Reglan for being most likely to be the reason for medication related conditions involving uncontrollable movements.

What reasons make a person may be more likely to develop tardive dyskinesia after taking this medication?

Medical research reveals that developing tardive dyskinesia is directly related to the amount of time and dosage of metoclopramide that is prescribed. This means that if a person takes Reglan for a long time or is prescribed a larger amount, they are more likely to show signs of the development of tardive dyskinesia.

Additionally research has revealed reports of tardive dyskinesia being more likely in a female or people that are older. Older females have revealed a greater chance of getting tardive dyskinesia. Also, people that smoke or used nicotine-based products as well as people who are African American may be more likely to develop the illness whether or not they are prescribed lower dosage amounts or take the medication for a brief period of time.

I you or someone you know has developed tardive dyskinesia or similar conditions following the use of Reglan medication, you should contact one of our caring and experienced Reglan and dangerous drug lawyers at the Higgins Firm. We will listen to your case and help you get the compensation you need for what you have suffered.

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