Economic and Non-Economic Damages in Tennessee Car Accidents
After being involved in a car accident, an individual will likely receive a combination of economic and non-economic damages in their Tennessee car accident. They may also receive punitive damages as a result of their accident. The law wants to make an individual financially whole again, and will reward damages after a Tennessee car accident to do so.
If an individual spent money on medical expenses, they will likely be compensated. Loss of income or loss of wages will also be accounted for when recovering damages.
If you have been involved in a car accident in Tennessee, it is pertinent that you consult with an experienced car accident lawyer as soon as possible. A knowledgeable attorney will be able to help build a claim to maximize the amount of damages you may be owed.
Economic Damages Economic damages after a Tennessee car accident are damages that a person can put a specific dollar figure on. This includes both past and future medical bills, which can be estimated by an expert.
Lost wages, both past and future, are economic damages. Property damage is also considered. How much it costs for an individual to fix their car is included, as well as any applicable rental car expenses. Economic damages are simply any expense out of a person’s pocket that is directly related to the accident that they were in.
Non-Economic Damages Non-economic damages in Tennessee car accidents are damages that a person cannot put a specific dollar amount on. Such damages after a Tennessee car accident are subjective. These include elements such as pain and suffering, both past and future, and any emotional damage afflicted.
For example, if someone is involved in a wrongful death case where they lost a child, they are entitled to recover an amount that the jury believes is appropriate.
Calculating the Award Non-economic damages are difficult to calculate after a Tennessee car accident, and are decided by a jury of an individual’s peers. They determine how bad the injury was, and how long the individual was suffering for. Then, they will come up with a dollar amount to properly justify this suffering.
The difficult part about awarding damages after a car accident in Tennessee, from a jury’s standpoint, is that they know no matter how much money they give the person, it will not diminish their suffering.
Punitive Damages Punitive damages are damages that are designed to deter conduct and to punish a wrongdoer. If, for example, a person is hit by a drunk driver, a jury may give them not only economic and non-economic damage awards, but may also add additional money to punish that drunk driver for what they did.
This is to send a message to the community that if a person acts criminally, they are going to end up paying much more money.
Insurance Coverage Auto insurance usually covers non-economic and economic damages after a car accident in Tennessee. This includes income, pain and suffering, and medical expenses. However, they usually do not cover punitive damages, which are usually exempt under a person’s insurance policy.
The Value of Your CaseYou can expect the insurance company to settle for the least amount of money possible. The insurance company is a ‘company’, and their goal is to turn a profit. Paying out high money claims is not on their agenda. This is why it is important to have a Tennessee car accident lawyer on your side. The Higgins Firm will consider the total extent of your damages, such as those discussed above. Rest assured, we will protect your legal rights and maintain communication with the insurance company. It is our goal to get you maximum damages.
When you talk with a Tennessee car accident lawyer from The Higgins Firm, you will be asked some questions about your case. These may include:
- What is the extent of your injuries?
- Did you or will you need surgery?
- Can you work?
- Have you lost your job because of your injuries?
- How long is your prospective recovery time?
- Are there any permanent injuries?
- Is there any disfigurement?
- How has the accident affected your daily life?
- Were there any witnesses?
- Was alcohol or drugs a factor?
- + More
As soon as the accident happens, the clock starts ticking. Not only are there time limits to file your case, but evidence can disappear or become lost. The sooner you call a Tennessee car accident lawyer, the better.
That being said, the value of your case is determined by the extent of your injuries, the amount of your medical bills, whether you were employed, and whether you can work again. The more losses you have suffered, the more likely you will recover a larger settlement. Nothing is guaranteed. A lawyer must review your case before you can get an idea of what your claim is worth. Call a car accident lawyer Tennessee families trust, call The Higgins Firm.