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Birth Injury Lawyers

When a child is born, this is usually a time of joy and happiness. It is typically a time to celebrate. However, if a physician, a nurse or other medical professionals do not follow certain steps or procedures while delivering a child or are carelessness in any way , this happiness can actually led to permanent conditions for a child. If injuries occur while a baby is being born or shortly after they are born, this can mean that the baby may not be as healthy as it could be and they could need care and treatment for the rest of their lives. This also means that the baby’s loved ones may suffer emotionally and even experienced increased stress because of concerns about finances. If this is the case, you may be entitled to compensation for your child’s and your family’s pain and suffering.

What are Some Common Birth Defects or Injuries?

Some common birth defects or injuries may include but are not limited to:

  1. Cerebral Palsy
  2. Erb’s Palsy
  3. Temporary bruising or swelling
  4. Fractures
  5. Paralysis of the face
  6. Brain damage

What Causes Birth Defects or Injuries?

Many birth defects have unknown causes, but other injuries that occur when a baby is born are caused by carelessness by the employees of a hospital that were there during the delivery, or exposure to certain medications or toxins during prenatal care. Also, If a baby is deprived of air to their brain right before they are born or while being delivered also known as prenatal asphyxia, this could lead to lifelong brain injuries for a baby. An injury like this one could mean that the child will have special needs and require help for their entire life. In addition, some children are permanently injured during the birthing process. These injuries can be devastating for the child and often the entire family.

What can I do if my Child and Family Have Suffered Due to a Birth Defect or Injury?

The first thing you need to do if your child has suffered a birth injury or defect is gather all the information about the birth injury or defect. It is important to include all treatment that the child has had because of the possible birth defect or injury. It is also important to gather information about doctors’ visits, exams, tests, and procedures done before, during, and after the birth of the child or children. This way the experienced and caring attorneys with our firm can investigate your case thoroughly and see if you and your family could be compensated for your pain and suffering.

Someone you love may have experienced lifelong conditions after having malpractice or negligence in the birth of a child. If so, you may have a claim needing the help of one of the knowledgeable and caring attorneys. We encourage you to contact our office as soon as possible. We put each of our clients first in everything that we do. We want work for you to see to it that you are fairly compensated the amount that you deserve for the injuries that your child has suffered.

If you have questions or concerns about a child’s disabilities which may have resulted from negligent care or medications, you can get in touch with our legal team online or by calling us at 800.705.2121 to set up a FREE consultation to discuss your legal options and any concerns you may have.

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